Collaborative Innovation: Translating blue skies research into real-world impacts

This is a Corporate Wisdom lecture taking place on 27 November 2018

Innovation matters. While a positive relationship between university research and industrial innovation is widely recognised, the translation of academic research to real-world impact is not without challenges. Researchers at the Centre for Technology Innovation and Engagement investigate the managerial challenges of innovating at the intersection of academia and industry. Co-hosted by Leeds University Business School and the Leeds Social Science Institute, we invite you for an evening of networking and a high-level panel discussion on innovation management.

The event will be moderated by Dr Lena Jaspersen and Dr James Roberts, with assistance from postgraduate researcher Mingchu Wang.

Topics discussed will include:

  • Emerging opportunities for translating  blue skies research into real-world impact
  • Overcoming barriers preventing the translation and application of academic research
  • Managerial challenges of working at the intersection of academia and industry
  • Strategies for collaborative innovation


Dr Lena Jaspersen

As an early-career researcher with a multidisciplinary background in international sociology and organisation studies, Lena’s overarching research interests are processes of technology innovation and diffusion in hybrid organisational fields populated by private, public and third sector organisations.


Dr James Roberts

Dr Roberts has spent 12 years in strategic consulting, latterly with Oliver Wyman, working for media entertainment and communication clients on a wide variety of strategy and innovation related projects. 



Dr Martin Stow 

Dr. Martin Stow leads on the delivery and implementation of Nexus, a new gateway to the world-class expertise and infrastructure at the University of Leeds and a step-change in the way the University works with business.

Martin is dedicated to ensuring Nexus becomes an innovation powerhouse, fostering a vibrant, efficient working environment for world-leading academics, entrepreneurs and innovative companies to deliver commercial impact and generate economic growth.

Martin is a biochemist by training with a first class honours degree and DPhil (PhD) from the University of York.  He has over 25 years’ experience working in senior worldwide research and development and strategic leadership roles within the healthcare and life science industries both in multinational businesses – as Vice President for Research and Development with Johnson & Johnson (J&J) – and in ‘start up’ organisations, most recently as the CEO of a disruptive and innovative DNA personalised skincare business.

Martin has brought more than 25 new products to market in the Medical Device, Diagnostics and Consumer sectors, most of which have been launched globally.


Associate Professor Tim Kastelle

Tim is the UQ Business School MBA Director as well as the Graduate Management Discipline Lead. Tim’s research, teaching and engagement work are all based on his study of innovation management. He graduated from Princeton University with a degree in economics, and his MBA and PhD were completed at UQ. He has worked in marketing and management positions in a variety of industries including radio, office equipment, industrial chemicals, higher education and software, and these experiences inform both his research and his teaching. Tim has published widely in the leading innovation journals. He is deeply committed to translating research into practice. To this end, he writes a well-regarded innovation blog for managers, and he has worked extensively with a wide range of organisations. Tim has worked closely with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) to build the Australian national research commercialisation program ON Prime


Paul Billington

(The Landing) - Managing Director at The Landing @ Media City, a technology enterprise incubator for high-growth companies at the heart of MediaCityUK which provides workspace, community business support, user experience testing labs, maker labs and events. Paul has an impressive track record in innovation and business development, and supports Creative Lancashire and Digital Lancashire.  As commercial director he is responsible for the day to day operation as well as driving an ambitious business plan. Prior to The Landing Paul built and sold a digital agency, has been a board member of several successful businesses including Challenger Technology and Prodo. Paul also sits on public sector boards and advises a venture capital firm.


Chloe Barrett

Chloe has been a professional dressage rider, a dental professional, and is now on her second start up. She previously built a dental education company but created DigiDentistry to save costs, time and target all learning domains. DigiDentistry is an advanced way of learning using augmented reality and animation, offering a multi-language system and an intelligent E-learning platform, enhancing, engaging and increasing academic grades. DigiDentistry's Resources are new, innovative and capture the imagination, expanding into other academic areas on an international platform.

Event format

17:00 - 17:45 Registration and networking
17:45 - 19:15 Panel Discussion
19:15 - 20:00 Reception

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