Professor Krsto Pandza
- Position: Director of Research Impact and Professor of Strategy and Innovation
- Areas of expertise: Strategy process; corporate innovation; disruptive innovation; technology innovation; organisational theory
- Email: K.Pandza@leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 4509
- Location: G.30 Charles Thackrah
- Website: LinkedIn
PhD, Manufacturing strategy, University of Maribor, Slovenia
MSc, Manufacturing engineering, University of Maribor, Slovenia
MEng, Mechanical engineering, University of Maribor, Slovenia
2012-present Professor of Strategy and Innovation; Research, teaching and corporate engagement in the area of strategic management of innovation. Head of Strategy and Organization Subject Group at Management Division. Director of Centre for Technology Innovation and Engagement.
2008-2012 Senior Lecturer in Manufacturing and Technology Strategy; Research and teaching in the area of strategic management of technology and manufacturing innovation. Leading major European Marie Curie Network.
2008 Senior Lecturer Manufacturing and Technology Strategy
Research and teaching in the area of strategic management of technology innovation
2006 - 2008 Marie Curie Intra-European Fellow at Leeds University Business School
Research, teaching and personal development activities associated with the Marie Curie award
2004 - 2006 Assistant Professor at Faculty for Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor, Slovenia
Research and teaching in the area of technology and operations management, managing international collaboration projects (6 FP), working on applied projects with industry.
2000 - 2004 Research and Teaching Fellow at Faculty for Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor, Slovenia
Research and teaching in the area of technology and operations management.
1998 - 2000 Manager for strategic planning of R&D and manufacturing operations at PRIMAT d.d., Maribor, Slovenia
Strategic planning with emphasis on R&D and manufacturing operations, investments in manufacturing technology, managing new product development projects.
1995 - 1998 Manufacturing engineer at PRIMAT d.d., Maribor, Slovenia
Production process planning, manufacturing system design and managing new product development projects.
International Collaborations Projects
ManETEI (Management of Emerging Technologies for Economic Impact), Coordinator, Proposal Number: 238382, PEOPLE Work Programme 2008, Marie Curie Initial Training Network. Funding: 3.832.975,92. SUMMARY: The ManETEi network offers a research-led training programme to create a rigorous collaborative research agenda centred on the multifaceted phenomenon of managing emergent technologies for maximum economic and societal impact. It will have advanced capacity-building and career development that will benefit the early-career and experienced researchers needed to ensure Europe becomes a leading knowledge economy driven by its unique ERA. It will create a platform for researchers to investigate the multifaceted phenomenon of managing the emergent technologies that promise the greatest competitiveness and growth of the European economies. The network members are highly experienced in participating in EU funded research and its implementation at all levels. They all share commitment for future research and training collaboration based on the principles created by this network.
COINS (Complex Open Innovation for Network Society 01/10/2015 30/09/2019), Call: H2020-MSCA-ITN-2015; Topic: MSCA-ITN-2015-EID, Action: MSCA-ITN-EID Proposal Number: 675866. Funding: 1.366439.40 . COINS European Industrial Doctorate partnership will create a sustainable platform for researchers to engage in collaborative production of knowledge by investigating challenges for managing processes of complex and open innovation created by advances in digital technology. Five Early Stage Researchers, accompanied by experienced, interdisciplinary and intersectoral group of supervisors will study development of innovation capabilities required for organizations of different types to effectively respond to institutional, social and technological complexity in innovation ecosystems. Fellows will benefit of rich and unique complementary training programme, which will enable them to pursue variety of professional careers in academia, industry, consultancy and public policy. They will especially benefit from competency and skills for professional innovation management and technology entrepreneurship. An ambitious outreach programme will equip all fellows with appreciation of the role of business, entrepreneurship and technology in society. They will become responsible researchers and leaders capable of finding solutions for some of the greatest challenges facing our planet. The COINS objectives will be achieved by establishing a long-term partnership between the University of Leeds and Ericsson AB. They are joined by technology start-up Diamentech.
CREATE (Creative Processes for Enterprise Innovation), Contract number: IST-NMP -1-507947,, FP 6. ManVis (Manufacturing Visions - Integrating Diverse Perspectives into Pan-European Foresight) , Contract number: IST-NMP-1-507139, www.manufacturing-visions.org, FP 6. STIR (Socio-Technical Integration Research), co-ordinator: Arizona State University, Funding body NSF
Individual awards
Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship (MEIF-CT-2005-023268), INKNOWMAN (Uncertainty and Industrial Knowledge Management: A Dynamic Capability Perspective) Funding: 161.995 ;
SUMMARY: The future role of the European Manufacturing Industry has been extensively debated among policy makers, practitioners and researchers. This debate highlights the importance of researching the management of industrial knowledge in a holistic manner. The knowledge, however, on this topic is largely fragmented into different research streams that lack integration and coherence. Previous research also lacks a multidisciplinary perspective and, as a consequence, falls short of addressing the multifaceted phenomena that occur in an industrial context. The proposed project aims to make a contribution in this respect by integrating the deferent strands of theory as well as focusing on new challenges. The knowledge-based theory of the firm will be used as the foundation for the framework, around which the insights from strategic management, organisational cognition and innovation management will be integrated. This integrative framework will be further refined and extended through the adoption of in-depth empirical research within a number of manufacturing companies in order to develop an explanatory process theory for managing industrial knowledge under uncertainty. This research will contribute to scientific knowledge by studying the reciprocal interaction between cognitive mechanisms and industrial knowledge development. The project is innovative in that it takes a longitudinal perspective and in the way it will adopt multilevel theorizing that will analytically link the strategic level with the practice of innovating and changing.
European Re-integration Grant (PERG02-GA-2007-224801), SMENaTech (Strategic Management of Emergent Nanotechnologies), Funding:45.000
SUMMARY: This proposal introduces a research programme that sets out to investigate a multi-faceted nature of managing development of emerging nanotechnologies by integrating variety of conceptual perspectives with different levels of analysis. The programme attempts to explore the development of strategic capabilities essential for integrating dispersed knowledge that enables different members of nanotechnology innovation system to increase their innovativeness and sustain their competitiveness. It sets out to capture in detail the contribution of proactive and knowledgeable agents that shape the emerging nanotechnology progress by purposefully engaging with the strategic, institutional and social context of technological innovation.Managing for Innovation (LUBS5247) Strategic and Entrepreneurial Management (MBA, LUBS5737) Entrepreneurship and Innovation (EMBA, LUBS5730)Professor in Strategy and Innovation Subject Group Leader Strategy & Organization, Management Division Director of Centre for Technology Innovation and Engagement
- Director of Centre for Technology Innovation and Engagement
- Director of Research Impact, Leeds University Business School
Research interests
Krsto Pandza is Professor of Strategy and Innovation at the Leeds University Business School. He has led Strategy & Organization Subject Group at LUBS and acts as Director of the Centre for Technology Innovation and Engagement. Krsto’s research interests lie at the intersection of strategy, technology innovation and organizational theory. Navigating these different fields of management studies enables him to investigate organizational responses to discontinuous technological changes and the role of managerial agency in shaping organizational capabilities. He is increasingly interested in how advanced digital technologies influence processes of strategic decision making and practices of professional strategists and innovation managers. Krsto has won two major EU-funded projects focused on strategic management of technology innovation, which enabled him to collaborate closely with companies such as Ericsson, Intel, GSK, IBM and Bayer. He is a member of Editorial Advisory Board at the Journal of Management Studies.
Topics of interest:
- Strategy process and practices;
- Organizational responses to disruptive innovation;
- Corporate Innovation in Large Organizations;
- Open startegy;
- Institutional perspectives on Innovation;
- Managerial agency and innovation processes.
Professional memberships
- Strategic Management Society
- Academy of Management
- European Group of Organizational Studies
Research groups and institutes
- Centre for Technology Innovation and Engagement