Mini-Conference on Relational Leadership

- Date: Monday 26 September 2022, 09:00 – 17:00
- Location: Roger Stevens LT 11 (10.11)
- Interval: Every day
- Until: Tuesday 27 September 2022
- Cost: Free
The Workplace Behaviour Research Centre at Leeds University Business School will be hosting an "in-person only" two-day Mini-Conference on Relational Leadership.
Submit your abstracts here
We are inviting 20 oral paper presentations to join a mini-conference for up to 50 participants. We are looking for presentations based on empirical studies on relational leadership and followership (broadly defined), including LMX, servant leadership, ethical leadership, abusive supervision, and leadership and followership identity, for example. Please submit an abstract (around 500 words) in a structure including the following sections a) Purpose, b) Design/methodology/approach, c) Findings, d) Originality/Contributions. Presentations will be selected based on the quality of the submission. Applicants will be prioritized for seats if their submissions were not selected for presentations.
The submission deadline is 22nd July and results will be informed by 30th July.
Professor Robert Liden and Professor Olga Epitropaki will be the keynote speakers.
Please note that there is no participation fee. Paper presenters and participants will need to cover their travel and accommodation.
For any questions about the workshop, please contact Professor Chia-huei Wu (