Innovation for sustainability: digital technologies and business models

- Date: Thursday 24 February 2022, 14:00 – 15:00
- Location: Online
- Type: Online, Seminars and lectures
- Cost: Free
Miying Yang will share her research work on the adoption of digital technologies and business model innovations for sustainability and circular economy in manufacturing and aquaculture sectors.
Adaptation Information Management and Technology (AIMtech) and Centre for Operations and Supply Chain Research (COSCR) Research Centres invite you to the following seminar:
“Innovation for sustainability: digital technologies and business models”
Short abstract:
In the current Industry 4.0 era, many firms have been exploring the adoption of emerging digital technologies (e.g., IoT, big data, AI) for improving sustainability. These digital technologies are recognised widely as a means to improve productivity, but with much less recognition that they are also a promising means to improve the environmental and social performance of manufacturing and supply chains. Despite their promising functions, recent research and practice have shown that firms often fail in adopting these digital technologies towards sustainability goals. Technology innovation alone is not sufficient to achieve sustainability. It also requires the design of new business models and the reconfiguration of supply chains to facilitate this transition.
Miying Yang will share her recent research work and thoughts on the adoption of digital technologies and business model innovations for sustainability and circular economy in the manufacturing and aquaculture sectors.
Bio: Miying Yang is a Reader in Sustainability at the Cranfield School of Management. She holds a PhD degree from the Centre for Industrial Sustainability at the University of Cambridge (2011-2015), worked as a postdoc in Sustainable Manufacturing at Cranfield University (2016), and a lecturer and subsequently senior lecturer at the University of Exeter (2017-2021). She was a visiting scholar at Stanford University (2018). Her recent work focuses on digital sustainability, studying how to make manufacturing and supply chains more sustainable through digitalisation and business model innovation. She has received five research awards from EPSRC, ESRC, STFC and Royal Society, and won two Best Paper Awards in international conferences.