Professor Effie Kesidou

Professor Effie Kesidou


Effie Kesidou is Professor of Economics of Innovation & Sustainability at the Department of Economics, Leeds University Business School. She is also a Senior Research Fellow at Enterprise Research Centre, Warwick Business School and a Visiting Scholar at School of Sustainability, Arizona State University.  

Her research is interdisciplinary and uses applied economic methods to understand how businesses and regions can become more sustainable. Effie has published her work in top-ranked journals such as Research Policy, Ecological Economics, International Journal of Production Economics, Economics Letters, Organization Studies, Journal of Business Ethics, World Development, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Journal of Environmental Management, Business History, Business Strategy and the Environment etc.

She has received funding by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), European Commission, and by the Universities of Nottingham and Leeds. Effie is on the Editorial Board of Business Strategy and the Environment (Impact factor: 6.381).


  • Head of Graduate School (Faculty of Business)
  • Faculty Graduate School Committee (chair); Faculty Research and Innovation Committee (member)
  • Graduate Board University of Leeds (member); Academic Quality Committee ESRC White Rose DTP (member)

Research interests

  • Assessing the institutional, demand, organizational factors that drive eco-innovations/environmental innovations/green patents.
  • Examining the impact of international sustainability standards, such as ISO14001, upon firm’s financial and CSR performance. 
  • Explaining the role of city-regions and local knowledge spillovers upon firm’s eco-innovation and productivity.

Research Grants & Awards

2021-2024 European Commission Grant, EU Project 101003491: A JUst Transition to the Circular Economy (JUST2CE) (£240,346), Co-I.

2022 Best Paper Award in SMEs, Growth, and Performance, Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship. 

2020 University of Warwick, ESRC-funded research centre (ERC) (44,359). 

2020 ESRC Productivity Insight NetworkTargeted Small Grant (35,000), Co-I.

2017-2020 BBSRC Global Challenges Research Fund,VOICES Valuing Orchard and Integrated Crop Ecosystem Services (602,831), Co-I.

2019, SeedCorn Funding for Social Science, University of Leeds, Environmental Justice in Low Carbon Transitions: Interdisciplinary Interventions and Advances (388.50)Co-I. 

2013-2015 ESRC Innovating for a Low Carbon Economy (28,106), Co-I.

2013 Best Paper Award in Innovation, British Academy of Management.

2013 SeedCorn Funding for Social Science/STEM Collaborations, University of Leeds, Eco-Innovation and the Porter hypothesis (2,000), PI.

2012 Collaboration Fund University of Nottingham China, Malaysia and the UK Eco-Innovation in Emerging Economies (5,000), Co-I.

2009-2010 New Researchers Fund, University of Nottingham, Drivers of Eco-Innovation (40,242), PI.

2009 Nottingham University Business School, Drivers of Eco-Innovation (4,434), PI.

2005-2006 NWO, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, Knowledge Networks and Innovation in Developing Countries (5,000), PI.

2004-2005 ECIS & TU/e, Eindhoven Centre for Innovation Studies, Eindhoven University of Technology, Local Knowledge Spillovers and Innovation in High-tech Clusters in Developing Countries (5,000), PI.


  • PhD Economics, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands
  • MSc Development Economics, University of East Anglia, School of Development Studies, UK
  • BSc Economics, University of Macedonia, Greece

Student education

Module Leader for LUBS2665 - Economics of Innovation (2012-2019).

Module Leader for LUBS3930 - Economics of Business and Corporate Strategy (2012-2019).

Module Leader for LUBS2570 – Introduction to Econometrics (2012-2015). 

LUBS3300 - Economics Dissertation (2012 – current)

Supervision of UG, MSc, and PhD dissertations.


External Positions  

2021–current: Co-chair Northern Advanced Research Training Initiative (NARTI)

2019 –current: Editorial Board: Business Strategy and the Environment.

2019 – currentExternal Examiner, Nottingham Unviersity Business School, University of Nottingham. 

2019-current: Senior Research Fellow, Enterprise Research Centre, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, UK. 

2016-current:  Research Fellow, Center for Organization Research and Design, Arizona State University, USA.

2015 -current: Co-editor of the Leeds University Business School Research Paper Series on the Social Science Research Network (SSRN). 

***Leeds University Business School staff interested in submitting to the Research Paper Series should email their paper and topic area to  


2015 -current: External PhD examination:

2022     University of Naples Parthenope, Italy. 

2021     Nanyang University of Technology, Singapore

2020     University of Birmingham, UK

2020     University of Reading, UK

2019     Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand 

2018     University of Warwick, UK

2017     University of Southampton, UK

2015     Maastricht University, the Netherlands.


PhD Supervision: 

I am interested in supervising PhD theses that use applied economic methods on the following topics: Environmental Regulation; Economics of Innovation; Sustainability; Eco-Innovation; Economic Development Systems of Innovation; Economic Geography.

  • Dr Eva Mavroudi (2014-2019) ‘Effects of Exploitative and Exploratory R&D on Firm Performance: the Role of Firm- and Industry- Specific Contingencies’ (50% 1st supervisor).
  • Dr Jurgita Staniulyte (2014-2018) ‘An Inquiry into the Underlying Causes of the European Periphery Paradox using the Framework of National Innovation Systems’ (50% 2nd supervisor).
  • Rushi Chen (2019-) Is the Emission Trading System (EMS) of China Successful? An Empirical Evaluation of Effectiveness (50% 1st supervisor).
  • Ferry Fathoni (2019-) New Business Ecosystems for Electric Vehicles (20% 3rd supervisor). 

Research groups and institutes

  • Applied Institute for Research in Economics
  • Centre for Technology Innovation and Engagement