Alumni workshop Delhi: The connected CEO - What does this mean for internationalisation

This alumni event is taking place in Delhi, India on Friday 24 March 2023

Register for the event here

Due to unforeseen circumstances the title of this workshop has changed. Dr Ziko Konwar will now present:

A CEO’s total pay: What does it mean for global innovation strategy?

There’s considerable debate as to whether executive remuneration – that is bonuses, expenses and other forms of compensation - of business leaders, advances business objectives and leads to impactful societal and real-world outcomes. How and to what extent CEO compensation matters for a company’s choice of innovation strategy is a relatively under-researched area.
Taking long-term CEO remuneration into account, Dr Ziko Konwar, Assistant Professor of International Business, Leeds University Business School, will discuss the trade-offs in developing company's innovation portfolio globally, as well as the effects of cultural and top-management diversity. He will also highlight his research on CEOs in the global pharmaceutical and biotech sector, including some of the key firm-level and managerial implications that are presented in this latest study.

Guests will also have the opportunity to reconnect with fellow alumni in a relaxed environment.

There is no charge for this event but places are limited and offered on a first come first serve basis.

Students who have applied to study at the University of Leeds will also have the opportunity to attend this event. We hope that alumni will be able to offer first-hand knowledge, advice and expertise to applicants and help answer any questions that they may have about living and studying in Leeds, during the networking session.

Event format




Lecture and Q&A


Networking and refreshments



For further information, please contact the alumni team at




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