Business School sponsors Chris Argyris Lifetime Achievement Award

This August, Leeds University Business School proudly sponsored the Practice Theme Committee of the Academy of Management’s Chris Argyris Lifetime Achievement Award.
The award was established by the former Chairs of the PTC, Business School academic Professor Tyrone Pitsis and Professor Elena Antonacopoulou, from the University of Liverpool, as a way of recognising people who have made an extraordinary and long lasting contribution to scholarship with a significant impact on practice.
The award is prestigious and previous recipients have included Chris Argyris (Harvard – and after whom the award has been named), Amitai Etzioni (George Washington U.), Peter Senge (MIT) and Bill Torbert (Boston College). The winner of the 2017 award was William D. Guth, Professor Emeritus of Management and Strategy at Leonard N. Stern School of Business, New York University, for his significant and lasting achievements and effects on strategic management which span the birth, growth and maturity of the field in its various dimensions and avatars including business policy, strategic management and corporate entrepreneurship.
Representing Leeds University Business School, Professor Timothy Devinney introduced the award and said: "It is important that we recognise the diversity of scholarship and impact in our academic community and our sponsorship of the PTC award is just one small way in which we feel we can contribute."
As an indicator of William Guth’s reputation and stature in the field of management and strategy, he was introduced by former President of the AOM Ming-Jer Chen and by Joseph T. Mahoney, both of whom gave inspiring and heart felt speeches. Professor Guth is a pioneer and a giant upon the shoulders of which so many outstanding people have stood. Leeds University Business School is proud to sponsor this award to such a worthy recipient.
Recipient of the Scholarly Practice Impact Award, which recognises an individual’s contribution to advancing scholarly and practice impact was awarded to Sean Hannah for his outstanding work on leadership.