Impacts of COVID-19 on food supply chain and global trade: Experience speaking to Parliament

- Date: Wednesday 30 June 2021, 13:00 – 14:00
- Location: Online
- Cost: Free
Join Professor Fiona Smith from the School of Law in the latest AIMtech & COSCR research seminar.
Please email Joanne Morgan at for the zoom link and password.
In this seminar, Professor Fiona Smith will present her research on the Impacts of COVID-19 on food supply chain and global trade. She is working with GFEI (Global Food and Environmental Institute) to address food supply issues under the COVID-19 pandemic. A report was published by Professor Fiona Smith, Associate Director, AgriFood Supply Chains, Professor Chee Yew Wong, Leeds University Business School, Professor Will Young, Leeds Institute for Data Analytics, Professor Caroline Orfila, Associate Director, Urban Food Consumption and Health, Dr Paul Jensen, School of Food Science and Nutrition and Professor Steve Banwart, Director on “The Impact of COVID-19 on Agrifood Supply Chains”. Professor Fiona Smith was also invited to give evidence to Parliament about the disruption of food supply chains by the COVID-19 pandemic. She will share with us her experience in giving evidence to Parliament.
About the seminar series:
This research seminar series is organised jointly by the Adaptation Information Management and Technology Research Centre and Centre for Operations and Supply Chain Research. The two research centres study information and technology management, operations and supply chain management and emerging issues related to digital transformation, sustainability, and resilience.
This event was originally postponed and is now taking place on 30 June 2021 at 1pm. We hope to see you online.