
Results 1031 to 1035 of 1051 in all departments

Profile picture of Malcolm Sawyer

An interview with Emeritus Professor of Economics Malcolm Sawyer, in which he discusses the impact of Brexit on the UK's economy, was published by the Rozenberg Quarterly on 5 September.

Portrait of Prof. Peter Buckley

Business School academics have received a prestigious award from the Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS) in recognition of the impact of research on Chinese direct overseas investment.

Photograph of William Guth on the right of the image, and Sean Hannah on the left.

This August, Leeds University Business School proudly sponsored the Practice Theme Committee of the Academy of Management’s Chris Argyris Lifetime Achievement Award.

Surender Munjal

Professor Peter Buckley and Dr Surender Munjal have delivered a seminar entitled 'Benefitting from the Commonwealth' at the Commonwealth Exchange, a Westminster-based think tank.

Female student with brown

The Business School is number one in the Russell Group across three subject areas, according to the National Student Survey (NSS) 2017.