
Results 196 to 200 of 209 in Management and Organisations

A close up of books on a shelf, spine upwards

Professor Peter Buckley OBE, Professor Jeremy Clegg and Dr Hinrich Voss have recently had two articles accepted for publication in the Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS).

Analysis of Disney films suggests connections between attitudes to employment and the portrayal of the workplace in Disney films.

Profile picture Hakan Ozalp

The Business School's Hakan Ozalp was announced as a finalist in the Academy of Management's best paper awards.

An abstract photo with stacks of coins and graphs

Congratulations goes to LUBS's Angela Carradus for recently winning two awards.

Phil Neal, founder of Snoozle

LUBS graduate Phil Neale (BA Management with Marketing 2012) is Co-Founder of the app Snoozle, a fun new app that makes the first minute of every day better.