
Results 131 to 135 of 209 in Management and Organisations

Photograph of women analysing charts

There is no ‘I’ in team - as the saying goes. But new research suggests it is important for individuals to feel personal ownership towards a team project in order to be more creative.

Image of Ana-Maria Milescu in China

Final year Management student Ana-Maria Milescu shares her experience of taking part in the Study China Programme in summer 2019.

Photo of winning team with modules leaders holding certificates from Innovation panel event

The annual panel event, judged by senior leaders from industry and academia, marked the culmination of 10 weeks of hard work from students in the Innovation Thinking and Practice module.

Becky Large receiving her Mentee of the Year award

Whether you’re a student, an academic, or a business professional, a mentor can be an invaluable source of support as you navigate your career.

A picture of a duck and an eagle with the title 'Are you a duck or an eagle?'

Natasha Babar-Evans, from Wizu Workspace, delivered a lecture on various enterprise and intrapreneurship topics, to second year management students, as part of the developing your potential module.