
Results 156 to 160 of 161 in Alumni

Steve King lunching with alumni

In July and August 2017 MSc Enterprise programme director Dr Steve King travelled to Thailand and Vietnam. During his time there, he met up with a number of alumni of the programme.

Photograph of Amanda Blanc, alumna of Leeds University Business School

An article entitled How we made it (Thanks to an MBA) produced by The Sunday Times includes an interview with the Chief Executive at AXA UK & Ireland, Amanda Blanc (MBA 1999).

Profile picture of LUBS alumni Sepideh Solhi

Business School alumna, Sepideh Solhi (MSc International Business 2014), shares her experiences of Leeds University Business School with the Financial Times.

Alumni news archive | Leeds University Business School | University of Leeds

Business School graduates continue to secure graduate level positions, according to the results of the Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) 2017 survey.

Group photograph of the participants

Dr Emilee Simmons, Director of Enhancement at Leeds University Business School hosted a series of alumni events in China this January.