
Results 121 to 125 of 161 in Alumni

Alumni dinner in Bangkok, November 2019

Dr Iain Clacher, Pro-Dean for International and Ellen Wang, Faculty International Manager recently met with alumni, as part of a tour of South East Asia to develop international collaborations.

Economist Which MBA? logo

The Leeds Full-time MBA is 78th in the world and 10th in the UK, according to the latest Economist Which MBA? Rankings 2019.

Mathew Warboys

Congratulations to Mathew Warboys (BA Economics and Politics 2018) who has been named as ‘Highly commended’ for the third time in the Global Undergraduate Awards.

Pankaj Jain receiving award udiapur higher education award 1

In August 2019 MBA alumnus Pankaj Jain (MBA 1996) was presented with an award for Innovation in International Higher Education at the ScooNews Global Educators Festival.

Heilbronn farewell event

Business School representatives travelled to the German Graduate School of Management and Law (GGS) in Heilbronn at the end of June 2019 to host a farewell workshop, dinner and celebration event for alumni and students.