
Results 111 to 115 of 120 in Executive education, Working with business

Julia Bennell

Professor Julia Bennell succeeds Peter Moizer as the new Leeds University Business School Executive Dean.

Photograph of women analysing charts

There is no ‘I’ in team - as the saying goes. But new research suggests it is important for individuals to feel personal ownership towards a team project in order to be more creative.

Leeds University Business School Exterior

The Leeds Executive MBA has been ranked the top Executive MBA programme in the UK and 8th globally according to the CEO Magazine 2019 MBA Rankings, published today. 

Executive education, Working with business news archive | Leeds University Business School | University of Leeds

The University of Leeds and Leeds City Council announce conference on skills shortages and graduate opportunities.

David Spencer stood outside Maurice Keyworth building

On 24 October Professor David Spencer commented in an article published by The Manufacturer about the findings on a recent Engineering Employers' Federation (EEF) report on domestic productivity.