
Results 116 to 120 of 126 in International Business, Centre for International Business at the University of Leeds, India and South Asia Business Centre

Photograph of the lecture theatre, showing students attending the lecture.

An MEP this week broadcast a lecture live from the European Parliament in Brussels, to Leeds’ to Leeds’ students studying the European Business module on the MSc and BSc International Business.

Sorin Krammer has recently had his paper "Greasing the wheels of change: bribery, institutions, and new product introductions in emerging markets" accepted for publication in Journal of Management.

Hinrich Voss

Hinrich Voss sees his latest article published in Politico magazine

A close up of books on a shelf, spine upwards

Over the summer Business School academics have seen nine articles accepted for publication in journals rated ‘4’ or ‘4*’ in the Chartered Association of Business School’s Academic Journal Guide 2015.

Profile picture of LUBS alumni Sepideh Solhi

Business School alumna, Sepideh Solhi (MSc International Business 2014), shares her experiences of Leeds University Business School with the Financial Times.