
Results 81 to 85 of 135 in International Business, Centre for International Business at the University of Leeds, India and South Asia Business Centre

Charles Thackrah building against sky

The International Business Division and Centre for International Business at the University of Leeds (CIBUL) extend a warm welcome to Professor Marina Papanastassiou.

Portrait of Prof. Peter Buckley

Professors Peter Buckley, Hinrich Voss, Jeremy Clegg, and Dr Liang Chen were awarded first runner-up for their paper in the Best Paper Award category at the Journal of World Business Awards 2019.

Lots of flags of different colours against a bright blue sky

In the first of the ‘In conversation’ series, our International Business Divisional Advisory Board discuss the capabilities required for conducting international business during a global pandemic.

Jeremy clegg AIB2020

Professor Jeremy Clegg delivered his inaugural presidential welcome address to the Academy of International Business 2020 Conference in July, as it took place virtually for the first time.

Portrait of Prof. Peter Buckley

Professor Peter Buckley has starred in an International Business podcast for Asia Observatory on 1 July 2020, as part of a series titled 'How resilient is business and management in Europe and Asia?'