Professor Julia Bennell
- Position: Executive Dean
- Email: J.Bennell@leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 0612
- Location: Maurice Keyworth Building
Professor Julia Bennell is the Executive Dean of Leeds University Business School.
She graduated in 1994 with a first class honours in mathematics and management science and received her PhD in management science in 1998 from the University of Swansea. She was promoted to Professor of Management Science at the University of Southampton Business School in 2010. At Southampton, she was the director of CORMSIS (Centre of Operational Research, Management Science and Information Systems), one of the top three OR/MS research groups in the UK from 2011 to 2014, Head of the Department of Decision Analytics and Risk Research from 2012 -2015 and Deputy Head of School from 2015 - 2018. In addition to her university roles including undertaking research and delivering teaching, she is a qualified executive coach and mentor.
Aleksandra Kliszcz
Email: A.Kliszcz@leeds.ac.uk
- Dean of the faculty of Business
- Head of Leeds University Business School
- Professor of Operational Research
Research interests
Professor Bennell is an active researcher, and her main research interests are optimisation models for logistics, specifically working in cutting and packing; vehicle routing; scheduling; network design; and heuristic algorithms. She has published three invited review papers: two on cutting and packing in European Journal of Operational Research and Journal of the Operational Research Society, and one on runway scheduling in the Annals of Operations Research. She has also given keynote presentations in EURO 2009, OR50 and IFORS2017. She is Vice President 2 of the Association of European Operational Research Society with responsibility for Education and Working Groups and is the chair and co-ordinator of the European Working group in Cutting and Packing. She also serves on the Research Panel of the Operational Research Society.
She has published over 45 papers in international journals including Management Science, European Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of Production Research, International Journal of Production Economics, Journal of Heuristics, Computers and Operations Research, Journal of the Operational Research Society. She has won over one million pounds of research funding from a variety of sources including EPSRC (550k), BBSRC (210k) and KTP (225k). She has undertaken a variety of roles as guest editor, stream and session organiser, invited seminar speaker, and organised two international conferences in Southampton. She also has extensive links with external organisations, and has undertaken consultancy and research projects with UK Government organisations and a range of SMEs, as well as leading a programme of training courses for HMRC.
Student education
Professor Bennell has 20 years of experience of teaching across undergraduate, postgraduate and MBA programmes. She has delivered modules in operational research and management science which have covered a range of techniques taught through industry problems, many of which she has worked with directly through consultancy and research projects. She has also taught general operations management modules and quantitative analysis modules at a range of levels.