Dr Han Jin


Before joining the University of Leeds in January 2022, Han Jin served as an Associate Lecturer at the University of Sheffield.

Han Jin's research focuses on data science, corporate sustainability, corporate governance, innovation, and empirical finance. His work has been featured in the Journal of Banking and Finance, and he received the Dean’s Prize for Innovation and Impact in Doctoral Research in 2021.

He has taught a wide range of subjects across undergraduate, postgraduate, and Ph.D. levels, including Quantitative Methods, Financial Management, Corporate Finance, Introduction to Databases, and Data Management. Additionally, he has conducted various training sessions on databases and software. Han Jin holds certifications in AI for Business from the University of Pennsylvania and Machine Learning from Stanford University.

Other Responsibilities/Appiontment

Data Champion, University of Leeds

Open Research Group, University of Leeds

Data Classification and Storage Task and Finish Group, University of Leeds

Panel member, Horizons Institute Interdisciplinary Assessment College


  • PhD in Accounting, Finance and Economics
  • MSc in Business Finance
  • BSc in Finance