Dr Hanh Pham
- Position: Assistant Professor
- Areas of expertise: Managing global supply chains; corporate strategy, CSR & corporate governance of MNEs; FDI, R&D and technological progress; advanced quantitative data analysis methods (SEM and panel data).
- Email: H.Pham@leeds.ac.uk
- Location: 1.23 10-12 Cromer Terrace.
- Website: Googlescholar | Researchgate | ORCID
Dr Hanh Pham is an Assistant Professor in International Business at Leeds University Business School. Hanh has over 20 year teaching experience in international business and economics at universities in the UK, Denmark and Vietnam. She has been nominated for an inspirational teaching award and inspirational supervision award many times in her academic career. She has been supervising between six and eight MSc Dissertations per year since 2008. She has supervised six doctoral students with three completions to whom she was their director of studies. She regularly acts as an internal and external examiner of PhD and DBA theses. Before joining Leeds, she was a Senior Lecturer in International Business at Sheffield Hallam University in the UK, a Researcher at Copenhagen Business School in Denmark and Lecturer at Foreign Trade University in Vietnam. Her research has appeared in over 20 publications, including research articles in high-impact international journals (3* ranked by ABS, A ranked by ABDC) such as International Business Review, Journal of Development Studies, International Marketing Review, Journal of Business Research, Journal of International Management. She obtained research grants worth £171,000 that included funding for a project on knowledge spillover impacts in developing countries, a project on CSR of tourism businesses, a project on ecotourism development, and a project on functional upgrading of manufacturing exporters in developing countries.
Research interests
Value creation and capture, capability building of SMEs in global value chains; corporate strategy, CSR and corporate governance of MNEs; inward & outward FDI, R&D, technological progress and sustainable development of developing countries.
Pham, H, Tran, T.H. The outcomes of CSR Disclosure by Global Corporations, Journal of International Management (forthcoming).
Le, T., Pham, H., Vu, N., and Mai, S. Frontier academic research, industrial R&D and technological progress: the case of OECD countries. Technovation (forthcoming).
Tran, T.H & Pham, H. How environmental, social and governance reporting promotes sales? Empirical evidence from global firms. Journal of Strategic Marketing (forthcoming).
Tran, T.H., Pham, H. CEO. How does CEO incentive matter for corporate social responsibility disclosure? Evidence from global corporations. (2021) International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics. . https://doi.org/10.1504/IJBGE.2021.10039956
Pham, H, Petersen, B. (2021) The Bargaining Power, Value Capture and Export Performance of Vietnamese Manufacturers in Global Value Chains. International Business Review. 3).https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ibusrev.2021.101829.
Pham, H, Le, T and Nguyen, L.Q.T. (2021) Monetary Policy and Bank Liquidity Creation: Does Bank Size Matter?. International Economic Journal, https://doi.org/10.1080/10168737.2021.1901762
Pham, H & Tran, H.T. (2020) CSR Disclosure and Firm Performance: The Mediating Role of Corporate Reputation and Moderating Role of CEO Integrity. Journal of Business Research, 120, 127-136 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.08.002
Pham, H., & Nguyen, D. T. (2020). Debt financing and firm performance: The moderating role of board independence. Journal of General Management, 45(3), 141-151 https://doi.org/10.1177/0306307019886829
Pham, H., Nguyen, A.N and Johnston, A. (2020). Economic Policies and Technological Development of Vietnam Electronics Industry. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy https://doi.org/10.1080/13547860.2020.1809055
Pham, H., & Nguyen, .K.C.T. (2020). Ecotourism intention: The roles of environmental concern, time perspective, and destination image. Tourism Review. https://doi.org/10.1108/TR-09-2019-0363
Pham, H., & Nguyen, D.T (2020). The effects of corporate governance mechanisms on the financial leverage–profitability relation: Evidence from Vietnam. Management Research Review, 43(4), 387-409.https://doi.org/10.1108/MRR-03-2019-0136
Pham, H & Tran, T.T. (2019). Board and corporate social responsibility disclosure of multinational corporations. Multinational Business Review, 27(1), 77-98. (CABS 2). https://doi.org/10.1108/MBR-11-2017-0084
Pham, H, Monkhouse, L. L and Barnes, B. R.(2017). The Influence of Relational Capability and Marketing Capabilities on the Export Performance of Emerging Market Firms. International Marketing Review, 34(5), 606-628. https://doi.org/10.1108/IMR-07-2014-0235
Pham, H. and Ahammad, M.F.(2017). Antecedents and consequences of online customer satisfaction: A holistic process perspective. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 124, 332-342. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2017.04.003
Thang, T.T, Pham, H, and Barnes, B. R.(2016). Spatial Spillover Effects from Foreign Direct Investment in Vietnam. Journal of Development Studies. Vol 52 (10), pp. 52-78. https://doi.org/10.1080/00220388.2016.1166205
Nguyen, T.K. & Pham, H. (2016). Shaping Supply Chain Governance. Journal of Economics & Development. Vol.18 (3), pp.87-107. https://doi.org/10.33301/2016.18.03.05.
Monkhouse, L. L.; Barnes, B. R. and Pham, H.(2013). Measuring Confucian values among East Asian consumers: a four-country study, Asia Pacific Business Review, 19 (3), pp 320-336. https://doi.org/10.1080/13602381.2012.732388.
Nguyen, H.T.T and Pham, H (2020) An Exploration of Vietnamese Entrepreneurs in Gibb, J & Scott, J (ed) Research Handbook on Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies: A Contextualised Approach, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Pham, H., Darabi, F., and Wilmot, N.V.(2016). International Supply Chain Case Study in Christensen, B. (ed) Handbook of Research on Global Supply Chain Management. IGI Global, Pennsylvania.
Pham, H and Petersen, B.(2012). Does Manufacture's export marketing Engagement pay off? Evidence from the wood Furniture Industry of Vietnam”, in Marinov and Marinova. (ed) Internationalisation of Emerging Economies and Firms, Palgrave Macmillan
Pham, H.(2009). An explorative study on functional upgrading and export development of Vietnam wood furniture producers in Schaumburg-Müller and Pham (ed) The dynamics of firm internationalisation in Vietnam", Copenhagen Business School Press.
Pham, H.(2008). Functional Upgrading, Relational Capability and Export performance of Vietnamese Wood Furniture producers, Copenhagen Business School Press.
- PhD degree in Intentional Business, Copenhagen Business School, 2008
- MSc degree in International Economics, the University of Birmingham, 2002
- BSc degree in International Economics & Business, Foreign Trade University, Vietnam, 1999.
Professional memberships
- Higher Education Academy
- Academy of International Business,
- European International Business Academy
- Academy of Management
- British Academy of Management
Student education
Dr Hanh Pham has over 20-year teaching experience in a wide range of modules in international business and economics, research methodology at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, as wel as executive training at various universities and institutions worldwide. She is a fellow of the Higher Education Academy. For student education, she has used a research-led teaching approach with a strong focus on integrating theories into management practices of firms in the UK and worldwide. She is also keen on developing students' capabilities and skills to deal with real-world challenges.