Nafisat Olabisi

Nafisat Olabisi


My  publications are:

Impact of Democracy on Foreign Direct investment and Economic Growth in Nigeria – this was published as a conference proceed

Energy consumption and economic growth in oil importing and oil exporting countries: A panel ARDL approach –

What is new? The role of asymmetry and breaks in oil price-output growth volatility nexus –

Governance, domestic resource mobilization and inclusive growth in sub-saharan Africa  – Economic Analysis and Policy

Foreign Direct Investment in Oil producing SSA countries: Does trade openess matter? – DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14616.44802

Monetary policy and currency crisis: Examining the effects in Nigeria –  DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16015.69288


Research Interests

My area of interests are International Business (Foreign Direct Investment, Investment Policy), and Macroeconomics.



Bsc. Economics

Msc. International Finance and Economic Development




Research groups and institutes

  • Centre for International Business at the University of Leeds