Jie Tang
- Email: J.Tang2@leeds.ac.uk
- Supervisors: Professor Kerrie Unsworth, Dr Rebecca Pieniazek
My academic background is in psychology. I got master's degree in the Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. I primarily used questionnaire, interviews, laboratory experiments (specializing in eye-tracking technology), and field experiments for my research. I am proficient in using software such as R, Mplus, and SPSS for data analysis.
My Ph.D. research focuses on employees' pro-environmental behavior from the temporal perspective.
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=6I7uVX0AAAAJ&hl=en
Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jie-Tang-84
Tang, J., Tian, X., Li, R., Liu, Z., & Liu, P. (2024). Financial incentives overcome ego-depletion effect in the waste separation task. Current Psychology, 1-11.
Chen, X.*, Tang, J.*, & Liu, P. (2024). How place attachment affects pro-environmental behaviors: The role of empathy with nature and nature relatedness. Current Psychology, 1-13.
Deng, J.*, Tang, J.*, Lu, C., Han, B., & Liu, P. (2022). Commitment and intergenerational influence: A field study on the role of children in promoting recycling in the family. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 185, 106403.
Shi, H., Tang, J., & Liu, P. (2022). Instability of the watching eyes effect and perceived norms: A new perspective. Advances in Psychological Science, 2022, 30(12): 2718-2734.
Liu, P., Lu, Q., Zhang, Z., Tang, J., & Han, B. (2021). Age-related differences in affective norms for Chinese words (AANC). Frontiers in psychology, 12, 585666.
Research interests
Pro-environmental behavior at work
Goal conflict
Spillover effect
Temporal perspective
Individual differences