Nabeel Sharif
- Email: bn19nas@leeds.ac.uk
- Thesis title: The paradox of a common currency dividing a continent- what is the future of the Eurozone?
- Supervisors: Professor Gary Dymski, Professor Annina Kaltenbrunner , Dr. Bianca Orsi
I am currently a postgraduate researcher within the Economics department at Leeds University Business School, funded by the Leeds Doctoral Scholarship and under the supervision of Professor Gary Dymski, Professor Annina Kaltenbrunner and Dr. Bianca Orsi. Prior to this, I completed my BSc (Hons) in Economics at the University of Huddersfield in 2019, after which I completed my MSc in Economics at the University of Leeds in 2020.
Since June 2023, I am working as an Assistant Economist at the Department for Business and Trade, within HM Government. Within this role, I work as a Trade Sanctions analyst within the department’s Trade Remedies, Disputes and Sanctions team. Prior to this, I worked as an Assistant Economist at the Trade Remedies Authority.
Research interests
My research interests are predominantly within the field of international trade, particularly trade policy, and global economics. More specifically, I am interested in global economic coordination, hegemony and political economy, macro-financing, monetary policy and monetary union, alongside exchange rates, capital flows and capital controls, exchange rates and currencies. I am also interested in the challenges faced by developing economies and emerging markets.
- BSc (Hons) Economics- The University of Huddersfield (2016-2019)
- MSc Economics- The University of Leeds (2019-2020)