Veronica Gonzalez-Navarro
- Email: bnmvgn@leeds.ac.uk
- Supervisors: Dr Lena J. Jaspersen (née Kruckenberg), Professor Gary Dymski
Veronica holds a master’s degree in Sustainable Resources and a bachelor’s degree in Economics. She has experience working in consultancy, project management and research related to sustainability and corporate social responsibility. Her main areas of research have been the creation of indexes and indicators for sustainability and corporate social responsibility and the development of methodologies to identify, analyse and improve the outcomes of the private sector on sustainable development. Her experience working in the identification and analysis of the contribution of the private sector to sustainable development is her greatest motivation for further researching the responsibility of businesses in the delivery of outcomes for the 2030 Agenda.
Research and Professional Experience
2021: Sustainability Specialist – Antofagasta Minerals.
2014 – 2021: Researcher – Programme for Social Responsability Studies, Universidad de Concepción, Chile. Collaboration in interdisciplinary research related to Corporate
Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development.
2018- 2020: Consultant/Research & Project Intern – Business and Human Rights Resource Centre. Development and application of a methodology to assess modern slavery statements by the FTSE100 and assistance in the audit of compliance of UK companies with Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
2015 – 2019: Researcher and executing project coordinator. First and second application of the Social Progress Index, Cabrero, Chile.
2014 – 2015: Junior Consultant. UNDP. Research assistant in the evaluation of programme Trainer of Trainers in CSR and collaboration in report Advances in the education of Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development in Latin America.
Scholarships and awards
2022: Leeds University Business School Management Division Scholarship 2021-2022.
2020: Highly Commended Project - Bartlett Hacks: Climate solutions in a time of pandemic. Hackathon run by The Bartlett Faculty UCL. Project: Compact Garden City.
2018: Best Presentation Award. 20th International Conference on Gifted Students and Gifted Education Practices. Research: Effects of an Inclusive Educational Model for Students with High Intellectual Capacity and Special Educational Needs: A Case Study in Talentos UdeC, Chile.
2016: Becas Chile "Master Fellowship Programme" Chilean National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research (Now ANID).
2014: Award to attend Workshop Emerging Fisheries Research & Management Tools for Latin America. University of California Santa Barbara. Baja California Sur, Mexico.
2013: Second place poster presentation. VI Foro Iberoamericano de Recursos Marinos y Acuicultura, Valparaiso, Chile. Research: Is it possible to measure CSR?: An application to the Salmon Industry in Chile.
2012: Scholarship to attend certified programme Corporate Financial Management. State University of New York at New Paltz.
Teaching Experience
Universidad San Sebastián, Chile
2021: Game theory and allocation of resources
2020: Social impact of economic policies
Universidad de Concepción, Chile
2019 – 2021: Sustainable development and the role of the private sector
2015 – 2016: CSR; Sustainable development and the role of the private sector; Environment, from an interdisciplinary perspective
Talentos UdeC, Universidad de Concepción, Chile
2021: News, Economics and Common Sense. A course that applies economic rationality and theory to explain daily news for students between 16 and 18 years old
2020: Ecocircular: A course about the circular economy and the generation of circular projects for students between 14 and 17 years old
2015-2016; 2019 – 2021. Negociopoly: A course about social enterprises and circular economy for students between 10 and 11 years old
Peer-Review papers
Gonzalez-Navarro, V., Tomei, J. and Flores-Oyarzo, G., 2018. Analysing the Outcomes of the Forestry Sector on the Sustainable Development Goals for Rural Communities: A Case Study of Cabrero, Chile. Journal of Sustainable Development, 11(5), pp.194-211.
Navarro, G. V., González, M. C., González, M. G., & González, M. V. 2018. Effects of an Inclusive Educational Model for Students with High Intellectual Capacity and Special Educational Needs: A Case Study in Talentos UdeC, Chile. International Journal of Educational and Pedagogical Sciences, 12(9), 1174-1183.
Navarro, V., Gonzalez, M. V., & Reed, C. 2017. Effects of an Educative Model in Socially Responsible Behavior and Other Psychological Variables. International Journal of Psychological and Behavioral Sciences, 11(6), 1466-1469.
Salgado, H. & González, MV. 2014. A Corporate Social Responsibility Index for the Salmon Aquaculture Industry in Chile. Revista Interamericana de Ambiente y Turismo-RIAT, 9(2), pp.52-68.
Navarro, G., Pérez, C., Padilla, A & González V. 2013. Relació entre responsabilitat social universitària i compromís organitzacional de funcionaris xilens. Anuari de psicologia de la Societat Valenciana de Psicologia, 15(2), 99-116.
Book chapters
Navarro, G., González, V. & Maluenda, J. 2019. Responsabilidad Social Universitaria y vinculación con el medio: construcción de una metodología para desarrollar proyectos de A+S. En 'Responsabilidad Social de las Organizaciones (RSO). Estudios desde la mirada de la Responsabilidad Social hacia los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible en América Latina'. IRL Editores. Santiago, Chile. pp. 335-350.
González, V, Maluenda, J. & Navarro, G. 2019. Índice de Progreso Social Cabrero 2019, Avances y Desafíos en Materias de Progreso Social. Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile.
Business & Human Rights Resource Centre. 2018. FTSE100 & the UK Modern Slavery Act: From Disclosure to Action. BHRRC. London, UK.
Conferences and Workshops presentations
- What Work 2019. Reykjavik, Iceland. April 1-3, 2019. Presented Cabrero Social Progress Index at "The Partners Meeting".
- 20th International Conference on Gifted Students and Gifted Education Practices London, UK. April 24-25, 2018. Research Title: Effects of an Inclusive Educational Model for Students with High Intellectual Capacity and Special Educational Needs: A Case Study in Talentos UdeC, Chile.
- XII Congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Ética, Negocios y Economía Santiago, Chile, 2015. Research Tittle: CSR Indicators for the Forestry Sector: A Guide to advance in matters of Sustainable Development.
- II Cátedra Iberoamericana de Responsabilidad Social y Desarrollo Sostenible Concepción, Chile, 2014. Research Tittle: CSR Indicators for the Forestry Sector: A Guide to advance in matters of Sustainable Development.
- III Simposio Internacional de Responsabilidad Social de las Organizaciones. Lima, Perú, 2014. Research Tittle: Is it possible to measure CSR? An application for the salmon farming industry.
- VI Foro Iberoamericano de Recursos Marinos y Acuicultura Valparaíso, Chile, 2014. Poster Tittle: Is it possible to measure CSR? An application for the salmon farming industry.
- XXIX Encuentro Nacional de Facultades de Administración y Economía de Chile Chillán, Chile, 2013. Research Tittle: Is it possible to measure CSR? An application for the salmon farming industry.
- VIII Congreso Nacional y VI Congreso Internacional de educación para la responsabilidad Social Concepción, Chile, 2013. Research Tittle: A composite indicator to measure corporate social responsibility in the salmon farming industry.
2020 – to present: Google certified trainer. Google for education: https://edudirectory.withgoogle.com/profiles/5070996936589312
Research interests
- Sustainable Development
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Multi-stakeholder partnerships
- MSc in Sustainable Resources, University College London (Distinction)
- PG in Social Responsability, Universidad de Concepción, Chile.
- BSc in Economics, Universidad de Concepción, Chile (Distinction)