Chei Bukari

Chei Bukari


I am Chei Bukari, a PhD Candidate (Economics) at the University of Leeds. With over six years of teaching and research experience at Ghanaian and UK Universities, my main research interests cut across diverse fields focusing on key issues relating to health, climate change, poverty, inequality, corruption, finance, and Development Economics broadly defined. My expertise includes but is not limited to Applied Economics, Applied Econometrics, and Microeconomics broadly defined. Most of my research focuses on developing economies, particularly the African and South Asian regions where I employed Applied Economics and Econometrics tools to analyse micro-level datasets (typically individuals, households, and firms) on economies in these two regions to inform policy and practice.


Work Experience

2024―present    Teaching Assistant, Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds

2022―2023        Research Assistant, Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds

2018―Aug.2021 Lecturer, School of Economics, University of Cape Coast (UCC), Ghana

2017 ― 2021       Research Associate, Directorate of Research, Innovation and Consultancy (DRIC), UCC.

2019 ―2020        Course Tutor, Institute for Education, UCC.

2019 2020        Course Tutor, College of Distance Education (CoDE), UCC.

Jan―Aug 2021    Regional Field Supervisor for Ghana’s 2021 Population and Housing Census, Ghana Statistical Service (GSS), Ghana

2019―2020        Master trainer for the 2021 Population & Housing Census, Ghana Statistical Service (GSS)

2017–2020        Assistant Examiner for the West African Examination Council-WAEC, Ghana.

2015―2016      Teaching and Research Assistant, University of Cape Coast, Ghana


Awards/Scholarships and Distinctions

2024           Nominated for Leeds Partnership Award in Postgraduate Researcher of the Year

2021-2024: Leeds University Business School (LUBS) Economics Division Doctoral Scholarship

2018:      Dean’s Excellence Award for the Best MPhil Thesis in the School of Economics, University of Cape Coast.

2015:      Dean’s Excellence Award for First Class Student, College of Education Studies, University of Cape Coast

2014      Dean’s Excellence Award for High Academic Performance, College of Education Studies, University of Cape Coast


Major Research Grants and Consultancy Services Undertaken 

2023:       Co-Investigator, Effect of Financial Literacy and Digital Literacy on the Use of Digital Financial Services in Sub-Saharan Africa. Funded by the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) 

2020     Co-Investigator, Tertiary Education in Ghanaian Prisons through Distance Learning: A Case Study of Nsawam.Prisons. Funded by the Directorate of Research, Innovation and Consultancy (DRIC), University of Cape Coast (DRIC-UCC) 

2020     Co-Investigator, Building resilience through Bundled Financial Services and Agronomic Practices among Smallholder farmers in Northern Ghana. Seed Grant proposal. Funded by the International Centre for Evaluation and Development (ICED) and Feed the Future Innovation Lab or Assets And Market Access (BASIS

2020     Co-Investigator, Consultancy on Sat4Business Credit Scoring Project in Ghana. Funded by Solidaridad West Africa

2020     Co-Investigator, Consultancy on Mid-Term Evaluation of Cocoa Rehabilitation and Intensification Programme (CORIP II) in Ghana. Funded by Solidaridad West Africa, through DRIC, UCC,

2019     Co-Investigator, Cost of Raising Children and Implication for Widowhood in Ghana. Funded by Directorate of Research, Innovation and Consultancy (DRIC), University of Cape Coast (DRIC-UCC)

Research interests

Research Interests

Disciplines: Health Economics, Environmental Economics and Development Economics. I am a multidisciplinary researcher and am particularly interested in research on issues relating to poverty, inequality, corruption, finance, climate change and health. 


External Profiles:   Orcid Id    |   Google Scholar   |    Research Gate   |   Academia.Edu  |  Linkedin 


  • MPhil Economics, University of Cape Coast, Ghana
  • Bachelor of Education (Economics & Geography) - First Class honours, University of Cape Coast, Ghana