
Results 576 to 580 of 926 in Leeds University Business School

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The Times Higher Education (THE) has announced the results of its World Subject Rankings 2021. They have placed the University of Leeds 9th in the UK and 65th globally for the subject of Business and Economics.

Maurice Keyworth building at the University of Leeds from the ground with a bright blue sky

The University of Leeds placed 69th in the world and 11th in the UK for the subject of ‘Economics and Business’.

Upwards shot of flags of the world in front of blue sky

Leeds University Business School has successfully launched a Women’s Leadership programme for executives in the Middle East.

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Professor Irena Grugulis, Chair in Work and Skills, has been conferred the award of Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences.

Professor Chris Pitelis

The FT Masters in Management rankings 2020 has once again placed Leeds top in the UK and 8th globally for international business across the 114 schools that took part.