
Results 186 to 190 of 856 in Leeds University Business School

Gary Dymski

Professor Gary Dymski is one of a number of international academics to sign a letter on the Sri Lankan debt crisis.

Maurice Keyworth Building at night

Dr Jana Javornik has been interviewed as part of a news report, following an announcement that the 30-hour working day with full-time rights will soon be regulated by law in Slovenia.

Caroline and Christina NED

Leeds University Business School delivers an Exceptional Non-Executive Director (NED) programme, ideal for senior business professionals looking to develop their skills as a Non-Executive Director.

Leeds University Business School news archive | Leeds University Business School | University of Leeds

The study, co-authored by Professor Nick Wilson, has shown that firms owned by private equity had higher growth in sales, assets and other key performance metrics in 2020 and 2021.

Julia Bennell

On 22 December, Professor Julia Benell wrote an article for the Yorkshire Post discussing the role the School, and University, is playing in working with Leeds and Yorkshire organisations.