Challenges for UK Internet of Things innovation

On 18 September Professor Krsto Pandza was featured in an article published by BusinessBecause titled ‘What Does Huawei's UK 5G Ban Mean For The Internet Of Things?’.
The article discusses how 5G will be crucial for advanced Internet of Things (IoT) applications such as automated manufacturing, and smart city applications, as IoT relies on networks of items connected to each other.
Despite 5G, the next generation mobile network, being 10 times faster than its predecessor (4G), coverage in the UK is sparse, with only limited rollout in major cities such as London, Edinburgh, and Birmingham.
The article considers the UK government’s decision to ban network providers from using equipment produced by Chinese tech giant, Huawei, due to security concerns.
Professor Pandza is a Professor of Strategy and Innovation, and Director of the Center for Technology, Innovation, and Engagement (C-TIE). He commented:
The challenge here is one of collaboration between different players in the innovation ecosystem. How companies collaborate is going to determine what IoT applications will develop