Report launch and podcast on sex workers' experiences of management and third parties

On the 18 July, Centre for Employment Relations, Innovation and Change member Dr Lilith Brouwers launched their report on sex workers' experiences of work relationships with third parties in the UK.
The launch for the report, titled "I feel safe when I'm working with her": Sex workers' experiences of management and other third parties, took place at Crossroads Womens' Centre in London. The launch was co-organised by the English Collective of Prostitutes (ECP), who have been supporting sex workers for the last 40 years.
In addition to the ECP, there were representatives present from Amnesty International UK, the European Sex Worker Rights Alliance (ESWA), the NHS, the Sex Worker Union, the Sex Worker Advocacy and Resistance Movement, the Red Umbrella film festival, Release, Liberty Human Rights, Decrim Now, Hookers Against Hardship, Women of Colour in the Global Womens Strike, the Trans Safety Network, Winvisible, and Queer Strike.
The launch included an extended discussion of the research findings and the ways they can inform and support the work of these organisations.
You can listen to Dr Lilith Brouwers and Dr Jack Daly discuss the report findings and the similarities between sex work and other forms of precarious labour on the Research and Innovation Podcast.