Adoption of Industrial Digital Technology in UK Manufacturing SMEs

This is a great opportunity for manufacturing SMEs learn about the latest trends and best practices for implementing digital technology in the manufacturing industry.

The event gives you the chance to share your own experiences and network with industry experts.

The event will feature expert speakers and interactive sessions to help attendees gain a deeper understanding of the benefits and challenges of adopting digital technology in their businesses. Don't miss this chance to network with industry professionals and gain valuable insights into the future of UK manufacturing.

This event is a hybrid event, so please ensure you correctly state on completing the Eventbrite registration form whether you require a general Submission ticket (in-person) or Online ticket (virtual only).

For questions related to logistics, please contact Jamie Sahuc (, LEET Impact and Engagement Officer, Leeds University Business School.

For questions related to the purpose and/or content of the programme, please contact one of the workshop organisers:

For a full schedule and to register visit our Eventbrite page here.