Webinar: How to network effectively in a socially distanced world

- Date: Thursday 10 June 2021, 13:00 – 14:00
- Location: Online
- Type: Online
- Cost: Free
This free online professional development webinar hosted by career experts Career Farm is open to Business School alumni, students and staff members.
Register here for the webinar: How to network effectively in a socially distanced world
Networking is about building a strong network of contacts who understand you and are willing to recommend you when the moment arises. The hard truth about networking is that if your contacts don’t ‘get’ you they can’t help you. Being able to network effectively online is now a crucial skill, and very different from networking in person. But how can you do this in a professional and effective way to convey the right image? And what works and what doesn’t? This interactive session will:
- Seek to find answers to your biggest barriers to networking online
- Discuss and share success stories and help you work out what networks you need to build based on your ambitions
- Offer practical advice and tips on how to network effectively By the end of the session you will have started to create a plan, and know how you are going to execute it.
*This webinar is organised and produced by Career Farm who reserves the right to share this data with the University of Leeds in order to confirm that users are qualifying students, alumni or staff, and/or allow the University of Leeds to update your personal details. No personal data is retained by Career Farm.
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About the speaker
Heather White is a leading international expert on all things Networking, Personal Brand and LinkedIn, and just loves connecting people!
Just over two years ago, Heather created a unique service called Boardroom Ready. She created this service because her clients were struggling to get NED roles and board opportunities. This was either through lack of time and or simply not being connected to anyone outside of their normal work environment.
Heather is now a Boardroom Match-Maker bringing together senior executives and boards. She places her senior executives onto a board of AIM listed, privately owned and SME companies. The role the senior executive takes on is that of a ‘Board Observer’ with the aim of helping them gain commercial boardroom experience.
Heather works with senior executives from organisations such as: AirBP, American Express, Babcock, BDO, CDK plc, EY, Google Deepmind, Kaz Minerals plc, KPMG, Jones Lang LaSalle, Just Group plc, Link Asset Management, Nationwide Building Society to name but a few.