'Walking to Zero' featuring recital by Lemn Sissay

- Date: Monday 10 June 2024, 10:30 – 11:15
- Location: Maurice Keyworth Building, Business School, Maurice Keyworth Building
- Interval: Every day
- Until: Thursday 13 June 2024
- Cost: Free of charge
Enrich your connection to our local surroundings through the live poetry of Lemn Sissay OBE FRSL and student-created landscape sketches.
We’re delighted to welcome Lemn to our Walking to Zero exhibition launch. He is a Bafta-nominated international prize-winning writer and will recite a short piece to accompany our sustainability-championing walking and sketching initiative.
The initiative is a creative approach to understanding how the changing landscape may affect us all, and that reducing our reliance on carbon-emitting transport through walking is a step in the right direction to changing our behaviour.
In March, esteemed artist Jake Attree tutored students on how to sketch their surroundings encountered on their walking commutes. This event showcases what students have learnt about engaging with their environment and captures their feelings of mental and physical wellbeing.
Sign up to launch event here.
The exhibition is available 8am – 8pm until the 13 June.