Help To Grow Alumni gather at June event

Last week, Leeds University Business School hosted an Alumni event for SME business leaders. The event was an opportunity to bring together Help to Grow: Management Course Alumni.
The event included two guest speakers and Help to Grow coaches, Jo Smith and Gary Lumby, who shared their knowledge on significant topics relating to SMEs and their continuing growth.
Senior Teaching Fellow, Rebecca Padgett from Leeds University Business School led the event which addressed two different topics. Jo Smith led a session titled ‘Help to Gow: Staying Focussed’ and Gary Lumby led a session titled ‘Growth Via Acquisition’.
Participants, who have worked together online and in face-to-face workshops as part of the programme, got the chance to meet those from different cohorts and share experiences of how the course has helped their business grow.
Help to grow alumni, Anthony Main – Founder of The Distance said:
The Help to Grow programme gave me the time and structure to make some key strategic decisions for the businesses growth - including replacing myself as MD to allow our app agency to move from a lifestyle to a performance company.
Gary Lumby, Managing Director at Focus on Success Ltd, gave a presentation on how alumni can grow their business besides organically, via the acquisition of another business. Gary commented:
It was great to meet such a broad base of Help to Grow alumni, some of which had already been through an acquisition successfully and others who were thinking about it. So the timing of the presentation and its content was very appropriate and everyone was very engaged and keen to learn. I am sure that many of them will continue to successfully grow their businesses by a mixture of organic and acquisition growth.
Over 180 businesses have now completed the Help to Grow Programme at Leeds University Business School, and the alumni network provides the opportunity to network with a diverse range of business leaders from a variety of sectors across the region.
Jo Smith, Executive Coach at The Goalgetter Organisation Ltd, gave a presentation on how participants can recreate that Help to Grow focus by harnessing the resources and people around them to ensure that they create sustainable and supported growth in their businesses.
Jo commented:
It was a really high energy session and great to hear so many success stories of how Help to Grow has enabled people to transform their businesses, as well as to hear people looking forward to the next stage of growth for them.
Help to Grow is a 12 week programme which is 90% funded by the government, so you only pay £750. Aimed at senior leaders in small and medium businesses it includes 50 hours of in-depth training, 1:1 business mentoring, and the opportunity to grow your business. Designed to be manageable alongside full-time work, this programme will support you to develop your strategic skills with key modules covering financial management, innovation and digital adoption. By the end of the programme, you will develop a tailored business growth plan to lead your business to its full potential. You will hear from inspirational business leaders and learn alongside local peers, with access to a national alumni network.
If you are interested in joining the Help to Grow Programme, don't hesitate to get in touch with for more information.
Read more about the Help to Grow programme.