Alumni take on global step challenge

Business School alumni took part in a global step challenge last week in a bid to get active.
Organised in collaboration with the Get Out, Get Active team at the University of Leeds, the Business School alumni relations team set up the challenge to help encourage alumni of all abilities to get active and walk or run more during the challenge week. It was also a great opportunity to connect with each other around the world and share photos from their local areas.
It’s been a wonderful activity that’s brought us together once again
Kimi Liu (MSc Management, 2015)
With alumni from 18 different countries, including Kazakhstan, Malawi, Nigeria, Hungary, India, China, Thailand and Italy taking part, it was truly a global step challenge. In total the participants managed to take 3,147,711 steps over the 7 days – the equivalent distance of traveling from Leeds to Zurich, Switzerland. The alumni relations team are planning another challenge for the autumn, where they want to encourage graduates to travel even further.
I signed up for the steps and now I have new friends.
Claire Minett (Management Studies, 2002)
Congratulations to the winning team ‘Holy Fit’, with 561,479 steps. And further congratulations to those who won bonus steps for their photos. Photo bonus steps were given for categories: local plants, flowers or trees; sunrise/sunset; or of a local landmark or place of interest.