LUBS Connect London

We would like to invite our London alumni to join us for an online networking and social event on Wednesday 2 December 2020 at 18:00 hrs (GMT).

Register for this event

LUBS Connect London is an online networking event hosted on Zoom and is a great opportunity for you to network with fellow graduates in London – old and new and share your memories of Leeds.

Please join us at 18:00 (GMT) for:

18:00 – Welcome 
18:15 – Alumni will enter small breakout groups 
18:30 – Rotation of breakout groups
18:45 – Final rotation of breakout groups

This event is open to Leeds University Business School and University of Leeds alumni.

Please note, attendees who join after 18:15 will not be admitted.

Zoom access information will be sent after registration, 1 hour before the event and 10 minutes before the event. If you have difficulty receiving the Zoom link, please contact