Business Confucius institute annual lecture

James Kynge, Emerging Markets Editor for the Financial Times, discusses China's influence on the global economic agenda.

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James Kynge
Emerging Markets Editor
Financial Times

In this annual Business Confucius Lecture, renowned China watcher and commentator James Kynge, Emerging Markets Editor at the Financial Times and author of the highly acclaimed book China Shakes the World in 2006, will consider how, more than 10 years on, China continues to influence the global economic agenda, but in different ways and potentially with different outcomes.

Renowned China watcher and commentator James Kynge is Emerging Markets Editor at the Financial Times and author of the highly acclaimed book China Shakes the World published in 2006.

Event format

17:30 Registration and drinks reception
18:15 Talk by James Kynge followed by audience questions
19:15 Networking
19:45 Close

For further information, please contact The Business Confucius Institute at