
Results 441 to 445 of 1072 in all departments

Ed Timmons

Watch the recording of Dr Ed Timmon's webinar on the costs and benefits of occupational licensing in the US and UK.

all departments news archive | Leeds University Business School | University of Leeds

Associate professor Dr Gülbanu Kaptan has secured funding from the UKRI/Food Standards Agency (FSA) for a 6-month citizen science project.

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Chair of the Small Business Charter, Michael Hayman spoke to the Yorkshire Post on 1 February 2022, discussing the 12 week-programme delivered by Leeds University Business School.

Prof Phil Brown

Watch 'Education, Skills and Work in the Fourth Industrial Revolution' webinar.

David Spencer stood outside Maurice Keyworth building

On 24 January Professor David Spencer was featured in an article for Eminetra discussing the introduction of a four-day working week.