
Results 26 to 30 of 1071 in all departments

Business Open Day 2024

Leeds University Business School held their 'Business Open Day' on Thursday 20 June.

MK in summer

Leeds University Business School has been recognized for its social impact and sustainability achievements by the Positive Impact Rating (PIR).

Branding conference 2024

Leeds University Business School welcomed scholars and researchers from around the world for the Society for Consumer Psychology (SCP) Boutique Conference on the Consumer Psychology of Brands.

Diversity walk at the 'Celebrating Diversity' event

WERD hosts the annual 'Celebrating Diversity' event in support and recognition of students' diverse backgrounds and cultures.

Devyani Vaishampayan

Meet Devyani Vaishampayan (Managers for Leadership, 1997). She has had a distinguished career in global HR leadership, AI entrepreneurship and Non-Executive Director roles.