
Results 251 to 255 of 1072 in all departments

Maurice Keyworth from the Charles Thackrah building

On 27 January, Dr Allessandro Biraglia was quoted in an article from The Stray Ferret looking at the increase in planning applications for residential units above shops in Harrogate.

Autumn on campus

Research co-authored by Professor Chia-Huei Wu has received the "2023 Joyce and Robert Hogan Award for Personality and Work Performance" from the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

Coal power station

The latest report from the Just Transition in the UK research project has been published.

Dr. Omar Al-Tabbaa

Congratulation to Dr. Omar Al-Tabbaa, an Associate Professor of International Business and the Director of Research, for a recent publication he co-authored with colleagues entitled "Academics Engaging in Knowledge Transfer and Co-Creation: Push Causation and Pull Effectuation?". This research is published in the Research Policy Journal, a leading management and innovation journal.

Maurice Keyworth

Leeds' MSc in International Business has been ranked 7th in the UK according to the latest QS International Trade Rankings.