
Results 1061 to 1065 of 1073 in all departments

Professor of Strategy and Organization Studies, Tyrone Pitsis, was part of a group of 25 academics who have tried to determine what makes a great leader.

Cityscape with financial graph design overlaid

The presence of independent directors on bank boards has not curtailed risk-taking at the majority of the world’s largest banks since the global financial crisis, research has shown.

Group photograph of the study tour participants

Students on the Leeds Full-time MBA and Leeds Executive MBA came together in Switzerland to participate in an international study tour at the ZHAW School of Management.

Professor David Allen presented a paper at the EGOS Colloquium 2017 ‘The Good Organization’, in Copenhagen, on behalf of Emma Gritt and the co-authors:

Photograph of the Emma Alexandra Summer School

Leeds University Business School's Emma Forsgren and Alexandra Irnazarow attended a popular summer school.