
Results 826 to 830 of 1072 in all departments

picture of Stacey Mottershaw presenting and slide with sign 'I cannot do it' being cut with scissors

In the ‘Day in the Life’ series, we sit down with members of staff from the Management Division to learn about their role: From the day to day responsibilities, to longer term projects and goals.

Professor Jeremy Clegg

Professor Jeremy Clegg is to lead one of the world’s most prestigious business academies.

International study tour

Our masters international study tour in July saw 70 students from across all postgraduate taught programmes attend an exciting week-long study programme in Switzerland.

Ian greenwood 800400

Dr Ian Greenwood speaks to ITV News Calendar about the future of the steel industry.

NSS logo

The Business School is number one in the Russell Group for Accounting and Economics according to the National Student Survey (NSS) 2019.