
Results 546 to 550 of 1072 in all departments

Home working desk set-up with computer and lots of natural light

On 29 June, Associate Professor Matthew Davis featured in a Financial Times article about how the pandemic offers us a chance to rethink how workplaces function.

Overhead view of workers round a table holding papers

Professor Andrew Robinson featured in the Yorkshire Post on 27 June 2021 discussing the rise of employee-owned companies.

Naimeesha Murphy

As a regular contributor to Forbes magazine, Naimeesha’s latest  article looks at ‘The future of work and the importance of primary care during the pandemic’. 

LUBS building

The Nurturing Talent Mentor Scheme announced the winners of their annual awards this week, celebrating the Mentee and Mentor of the Year and Mentoring Relationship of the Year.

Innovation centre on Western Campus

Members of the Business School community have been recognised for their efforts in advancing sustainable practices at the University of Leeds’ Sustainability Awards 2021.