Dr. Antonio Rodriguez-Gil
- Position: Lecturer (Teaching and Scholarship)
- Areas of expertise: Unemployment hysteresis and path dependence. Pedagogical research: Effectiveness of feedback and student engagement.
- Email: A.RodriguezGil@leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 3230
- Location: GM13 Maurice Keyworth Building
- Website: SSRN | LinkedIn | Googlescholar | Researchgate | ORCID
I joined the Economics department at Leeds University after completing my PhD in 2012. I am currently a Lecturer (Teaching and Scholarship) in Economics. I am Lead Head for Final Year of Year 3, the Economics Academic Integrity Representative, as well as, a member of the School’s Assessment and Feedback Strategy Groups.
I am an active researcher and I am interested on the interactions and feedbacks that exist between the labour market and macroeconomics. I have published on the existence of Hysteresis or scarring effects in the UK and the Netherlands. Currently, I am investigating how the duality of the labour market and concentration in goods markets can affect sector wages in Spain. I am also interested in how educators can improve educational performance, I have lead research on the impact of feedback on student performance, and I am currently working on a project to improve study habits. I have also published on the area of Fiscal Policy in oil-producing developing economies.
I am also interested in how we teach economics, in particular how to bridge the gap between economic models we teach in class and the real world, you can find my reflections on a couple of interventions to bridge this gap using media articles to improve realism in teaching and polling systems. I have also come up with innovative methods to produce exam feedback for large groups and I am currently producing a Podcast on Plagiarism that aims to improve Academic Integrity literacy among a diverse students population.
I have secured educational research funds, from the European Economic Association, Laidlaw Undergraduate Research Leadership Scholarships and the Leeds University Business School Student Education Fund.
- Lead head of Year 3. I coordinate a team of up-to-four personal tutors in final year of the degree.
- Economics Academic Integrity Representative
Research interests
Peer Reviewed Journals:
da Costa Antonio, A. E. and Rodriguez-Gil, A, (2020) "Oil shocks and fiscal policy procyclicality in Angola: Assessing the role of asymmetries and institutions” Review of Development Economics. January. https://doi.org/10.1111/rode.12633
Rodriguez-Gil, A (2018)"Hysteresis and Labour Market Institutions: Evidence from the UK and the Netherlands" Empir Econ. 55: 1985. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00181-017-1338-y
Working papers:
Rodriguez-Gil, A., Hughes, P., Scheffel, J., Balliester-Reis, T. (2023) “Does feedback improve student performance? Are there differences between high and low achieveing students? Evidence from a feedback programme controlling for self-selection effects. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4404986
da Costa Antonio, A. E. and Rodriguez-Gil, A, (2018) “Oil-Shocks and the Cyclicality of Fiscal Policy in a Developing Oil-Exporting Economy: The Case of Angola” LUBS Working paper no.18-08. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3100172
Other publication:
Rodriguez-Gil, A., Raza, A. (2023), ‘Using Excel conditional formulae to provide individual exam feedback in large groups’. Economics Network. Bank of Ideas. Assessment and Monitoring. Available: https://doi.org/10.53593/n3593a
Rodriguez-Gil, A (2016), ‘Using current affairs essays to provide feedback and improve realism in teaching economics’. Economics Network. Bank of Ideas. Assessment and Monitoring. Available: https://doi.org/10.53593/n2882a
Schweiger H. and Rodriguez-Gil, A. (2007). Wage distribution in Spain (in Spanish). Seminario de Economia Critica Taifa, Economic Report number 4: 4-20. Available at http://informes.seminaritaifa.org/informe-04/
Grants and funding:
Laidlaw Undergraduate Research and Leadership Scholarship Fund - (Co-Principal Investigator, £3,500x2 over 2 academic years) UK, 2017-19
LUBS Student Education Fund - Leeds, (Co-Principal Investigator, £2,000x2 over 2 academic years) UK, 2017-18
The University of Leeds Crucible 2018 – Leeds, UK, 2018
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), UK, 2016
- PhD in Economics, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK, 2012
- MA in Economics, University College of Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, 2003
- BSc in Economics, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, 2002
Professional memberships
- Royal Economic Society (RES)
- European Economic Association (EEA)
- European Association for Labour Economics (EALE)
- British University Industrial Relations Association (BUIRA)
- Spanish Economic Association (AEE)
- Economics Network
- Association of European Economics Education (AEEE)
- Post-Keynesian Economics Society (PKES)
Student education
LUBS 3505 Advanced Macroeconomics (Undergraduate Level)
LUBS 2050 Industrial Economics (Undergraduate Level)
In previous years, I have also taught:
LUBS 5100 Macroeconomics (Postgraduate Level)
LUBS 1585 Economic Institutions (Undergraduate Level)
LUBS 1290 Economic Controversies (Undergraduate Level)
Research groups and institutes
- Applied Institute for Research in Economics