Research applications and methods for economics and transport studies (RAMETS)

If you are interested in giving a presentation or bringing a poster please confirm by the 31st August 2018 by emailing André Ystehede at

Research Applications and Methods for Economics and Transport Studies (RAMETS) is a collaborative event bringing together Post Graduate Researchers (PGR) from the Business School Economics Division and Institute for Transport Studies (ITS) to discuss methods and applications used during the PhD process.

Economics and ITS share many common methods and issues that are closely related from different perspectives and this is an opportunity for Post Graduate Researchers to come together and learn from each other.

Recognising the increasing need for inter-disciplinary research, this event aims to establish a platform for students and staff alike to find like-minded and potential collaborators, share experiences and gain alternative approaches to investigate their research topics.

RAMETS focuses on quantitative and qualitative methods and applications such as interviews, surveys, dynamic modelling and econometric techniques. Presentations will be given by Post Graduate Researchers and will be focussed on either a method or an application of a specific method in order to provide insight. The purpose is to learn from each other and to share our experiences.

For catering purposes, please confirm your attendance by Tuesday 11th September.
Dietary requirements: Vegetarians will be catered for. If you have any other dietary requirements please contact David Pierce at when confirming your attendance.

With thanks to Organisational Development and Professional Learning (OD&PL) for funding.