Professor Laura Costanzo

PhD title: Exploring Innovation: A Study Applied to The UK Financial Services Industry 

Upon completion of her PhD at the University of Leeds, Professor Costanzo stayed with the University as a Research Fellow in Financial Services, moving on to become a Lecturer in Strategic Management at the University of Surrey. Currently, Professor Costanzo is the Dean of the University of Southampton Business School.  Her research revolves around Strategy and Entrepreneurship. Strategic behaviour of family businesses and SMEs, sustainable entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship. Professor Costanzo is now the Dean of the University of Southampton Business School and Professor of Strategy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. 

Nomination for top 10 Strategic Management Society/McKinsey Best Papers (USA) (2001)
Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence for Outstanding Paper in JFRC (2007)
BAM Strategic Foresight SIG Best Paper Award (2008)
EURAM/SIMA Best International Management SMEs Paper (2017)
Paul Harris Fellowship (2022)

Professor Costanzo is now the Dean of the University of Southampton Business School and Professor of Strategy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship.