Thirty Years of International Business Review and International Business Research
The survey of 30 years of publications in International Business Review by Peter Buckley and Mark Casson illustrates the cumulative strength of international Business (IB) research.
Using the lessons of lockdown to reduce household food waste
During the first national lockdown of 2020, self-reported levels of food waste in the UK fell by 34%, the sharpest fall on record – a rare bright spot in the pandemic.
Research with Impact webinar series 2021
This year the Business School is hosting short and informative breakfast webinars for staff and postgraduate researchers.
Nurseries Covid concern: Dr Kate Hardy in The Guardian
Dr Kate Hardy featured in an article for The Guardian on 11 January 2021, highlighting the safety concern of nurseries remaining open in England despite rising Covid-19 infections.
Dr Gary Graham to Co-Chair EurOMA Conference
Dr Gary Graham will be a Special Session Co-Chair on the IJOPM Impact Pathways sessions at the EurOMA Conference in July 2021.