Migrant academics in the UK: opportunities and challenges

- Date: Friday 22 October 2021, 14:00 – 15:15
- Location: Online
- Type: Online
- Cost: 0.00
Part of the CERIC PhD Conversation Series, this reading group discussion is geared towards PGRs at all stages.
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This reading group discussion is geared towards PGRs at all stages who might be wondering what challenges and opportunities lie ahead for migrant academics working in the UK. Specifically, it will address key risk factors contributing to migrant academics becoming ‘stuck’ in the UK academia and strategies to get ‘unstuck’ and increase the chances of pursuing an internationally mobile career.
The first part of the event is reserved for a brief presentation by Dr Toma Pustelnikovaite based on her recent paper titled Locked out, locked in and stuck: exploring migrant academics’ experiences of moving to the UK. High Educ (2020). The remaining part will be highly interactive and will offer ample opportunities for PGRs to discuss issues around migrants’ academic mobility in the UK academia (and beyond).
Dr Toma Pustelnikovaite is a Lecturer in Human Resource Management at Abertay University. She has completed her PhD in Management Studies at the University of St Andrews, with a thesis on the employment and inclusion of foreign-born academics in the UK. Toma’s research is in the area of sociology of professions and employment, interrogating the norms and practices of the contemporary world of work. Her current projects focus on the working lives of highly-skilled migrants, job quality, leaveism and organisational identity. Toma also continues her research on migrant academics and is a new co-chair of AMIIN (Academic im/mobilities international network).
In order to make the session highly interactive, we kindly ask PhD students to read the recommended paper in advance.
Pustelnikovaite, T. Locked out, locked in and stuck: exploring migrant academics’ experiences of moving to the UK. High Educ (2020).
Event organised by CERIC (Centre for Employment Relations, Innovation and Change), Leeds University Business School.
For any queries, please contact Bianca Mirea (cericphd@leeds.ac.uk).
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