Ghasem Zaefarian
- Position: Associate Professor of Marketing
- Areas of expertise: Business Marketing; Global Marketing; Services Marketing; Organizational Psychology
- Email: G.Zaefarian@leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 3233
- Location: G10 Maurice Keyworth Building
BSc: Industrial Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Iran
MSc: Master of Business Administration (MBA), Sharif University of Technology, Iran
PhD: Marketing, Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, UK
Dr. Ghasem Zaefarian is an Associate Professor of Marketing at Leeds University Business School. He earned his PhD at Manchester Business School. His research interests focus on services, business marketing and international marketing fields of research. His research has been published or currently is under review in many journals of international repute including Industrial Marketing Management, Long Range Planning, and International Journal of Operations and Product Management. His works are also regularly presented at leading academic conferences across the world.
Dr. Zaefarian currently serves as an Associate Editor of the Industrial Marketing Management and on the review panel of several leading Journals as an ad hoc reviewer. His classroom teaching and doctoral supervision work spans several areas of services marketing and B2B marketing.
Dr. Zaefarians research focuses on the following areas; He is willing to undertake PhD supervision on research questions falling within these general areas:
B2B Marketing
o Relationship ending capabilities
o Interorganisational relationships Measurement and Management
o Relationship Marketing
o Networks and Networking capabilities
Services Marketing
o Service recovery strategy application of fairness theory
o Managing the Services Environment Analysing the Servicescape
o Customer satisfaction
LUBS5470M MSc International Services Marketing
LUBS5210M MSc Marketing for Management
Teaching at MSc programs
Marketing Divisions representative in Academic Integrity committee
- Deputy Head of the Graduate School
- Associate Editor, Industrial Marketing Management
- Academic Integrity Lead, Doctoral College, University of Leeds
Research interests
Dr. Ghasem Zaefarian is an Associate Professor of Marketing at Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds, UK. He is also deputy head of the graduate school at LUBS. He received his BSc and MBA from Sharif University of Technology, and his PhD from Manchester Business School. He earned his PhD in marketing on the interplay between business relationships and business strategy. His research interests focus on business marketing, international marketing, and services fields of research. Within the broad topic of business marketing, his primary focus has been on buyer-supplier relationships and networks. The second theme of his research is global marketing, focusing predominantly on the different aspects of multinational companies. Within this subject topic, a particular strand of his research focuses on cross-border customer engagement. Another strand of his research within this theme focuses on innovation and knowledge management from the social capital perspective. The third theme of his research focuses on services marketing in a business-to-business context. The fourth and emerging theme of his research focuses on organizational psychology. Currently, Dr Zaefarian is working on the psychology of partnership exchange focusing on drivers of opportunism in interfirm and intrafirm partnership. His research has been published in many journals of international repute including Journal of world business, Long Range Planning, International Journal of Operations and Product Management, Industrial Marketing Management, and Journal of Business Research. His works are also regularly presented at leading academic conferences across the world.
Dr. Zaefarian currently serves as an associate editor of the Industrial Marketing Management journal and is on the review panel of several leading Journals as an ad hoc reviewer. His classroom teaching and doctoral supervision work spans several areas of services and B2B marketing.