Dr Aulona Ulqinaku
- Position: Associate Professor of Marketing
- Areas of expertise: Consumer Psychology; Psychological threats; Restrictions; Digital communications
- Email: A.Ulqinaku@leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 4300
- Location: G07 Maurice Keyworth Building
- Website: Twitter | Researchgate | ORCID
Aulona is Associate Professor of Marketing and Programme Director for MSc Consumer Analytics and Marketing Strategy in the Marketing Department at Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds. Her research interests cover the effect of psychological threats (such as low self-esteem, social exclusion, fear of death, nihilism, etc.) on individuals and their consumption preferences and choices. In line with this research stream, Aulona has focused on how consumption of specific types of brands or reminder of specific people (e.g., heroes) can help individuals overcome the damaging effects of psychological threats on their behavior. Moreover, Aulona does research on the effects of restrictions (such as financial constraints, physical restrictions, or dietary restrictions) on self-control, risk-taking behavior, and consumption preferences.
Aulona's research has been published in the Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Advertising, Psychology & Marketing, British Journal of Social Psychology, Annals of Tourism Research and has received the Park Best Paper in Journal of Consumer Psychology award. She currently holds the role of Area Editor in Psychology & Marketing. Her work has been presented at leading academic conferences and doctoral colloquiums such as the Association for Consumer Research, American Marketing Association, and European Marketing Academy.
Aulona did her PhD in Business Administration and Management (major in Marketing and minor in Organization) in Bocconi University in Milan. She also holds a MSc in Marketing Management and a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration and Management from Bocconi University.
- Programme Director - MSc Consumer Analytics and Marketing Strategy
- Associate Editor - Psychology & Marketing
Research interests
• Consumer Psychology
• Psychological threats
• Heroism and antiheroism
• Branding and Advertising
• Restrictions
- PhD in Business Administration and Management
Professional memberships
- Association for Consumer Research
- European Marketing Academy
- Society for Consumer Psychology
- Italian Marketing Association (SIM)
Student education
I presently teach Module LUBS5406M (Consumer Behaviour) for PG students
I supervise Undergraduate and Postgraduate dissertations.
Research groups and institutes
- Global and Strategic Marketing Research Centre