
Results 141 to 145 of 209 in Management and Organisations

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The Leeds Full-time MBA is 78th in the world and 10th in the UK, according to the latest Economist Which MBA? Rankings 2019.

photo of Professor Lynda Song, head of Management Division

We are delighted to welcome Professor Lynda J. Song, who has joined Leeds University Business School as Professor of Management.

A professional headshot of Billy D'Arcy. Billy wears a black suit and striped shirt.

Billy D'Arcy met our MBA students to talk about public sector strategy, mergers and acquisitions and being a disruptor in the industry.

photo of Beth Waas stood outside the Taj Mahal in India.

Third year Management student Bethany Waas writes about her formative summer internship in India at MG Motors.

Standing on the left is Smartia employee Asim Majid and on the right is Parvez Alam Kazi

Msc Business Analytics and Decision Science students were joined by Asim Majid and Parvez Alam Kazi, from Smartia, to discuss project management, AI, machine learning and data science.