Chief Operating Officer of Wizu Workspace guest lectures on enterprise and intrapreneurship

Natasha Babar-Evans, from Wizu Workspace, delivered a lecture on various enterprise and intrapreneurship topics, to second year management students, as part of the developing your potential module.
Natasha is a new recruit to our leaders in residence programme and has contributed to a number of recent events, with great energy and enthusiasm, and this session was no different.
The module ‘developing your potential’ prepares and sharpens the student’s employability toolset. It is an opportunity to attain knowledge about what employers want, evidence their own skills and provides excellent experience, support and guidance.
This session was on enterprise and intrapreneurship and why employers value these skills so greatly. Natasha posed questions such as ‘why do corporates want to be more like entrepreneurs?’. This gave students the space to formulate their own ideas, curated by the wealth of knowledge and experience Natasha has accrued, from both her entrepreneurial and corporate backgrounds.
The lecture covered the differences between entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs, including their respective pros and cons. Natasha further delved into the mindset of an enterprising individual, using an apt metaphor about ducks vs eagles. Ducks represented the fixed mindset, where a person only sees barriers to success and has an overly negative approach. The soaring eagles represent the growth mindset, the driven and carefully planned optimist.
Students were challenged to understand the process of creating this mindset and how this can be achieved personally. Tips included looking at the languaged used, using reflection and feedback in a positive way, having clear objectives, enjoying the journey, understanding your triggers and pivoting from your failures.
We would like to thank Natasha for contributing to the curriculum and lending her skillset, and volunteering her time to be here. Our staff and students appreciate it greatly.